Slow Down For Tommy - SlowDownForTommy.Co.Uk

Online Petition - Brook Road, Borehamwood

We, the undersigned, call on the Government to pledge ring-fenced funding for 20mph safety zones around children's schools and homes and safe routes between the two, including better pavements and cycle paths, and plenty of pedestrian crossings. In particular, we are petitioning for a 20mph safety zone and / or speed limit on Brook Road, Borehamwood. We also want compulsory road safety education in all schools.

A child is killed or injured every 18 minutes on UK roads. Seven out of ten child road deaths and serious injuries happen when they are on foot or bicycles. It's time for action!

Fill in the form below to add your name to the petition. Slow Down for Tommy and Brake want to collect as many signatures as possible.

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There are 4232 Signatures So Far